About the topic: Reproductive Psychiatry is a woman-focused practice that is crucial to our wellness from the time we begin puberty - the longest duration of a women's life. During this time our mental & physical health is reliant on our hormonal equilibrium.
Thank you Chandra for finding Jen, our Women's Health Champion! I have never seen a room of women stop & give someone their undivided attention with such ease. No joke. We were literally on the edge of our seats.
Join the community of women who partake in regular discussions, encourage medical research and support the professionals who are making waves in the field of Reproductive Psychology:
To our guest speaker, Jen Romanello. Thank you for introducing us to “reproductive psychiatry”. I have never seen a room of women stop & give someone their undivided attention with such ease. No joke. We were literally on the edge of our seats. Thank you for your time and your expertise. We hope you will come back to join us again. We will ask the women to write in their questions, and we will post the eye opening content you generously referred us to. We are all truly grateful.
• Follow Jen on Instagram!
My cousin walked into a Women's Center for the first time a couple of months ago. As women, we often are asked to carry a burden when family members feel overwhelmed. Helping someone in need can be a gift that gives back, strengthens your spirit and allows your compassionate side to flourish. When things go awry "Everything Everywhere All at Once" we can feel overwhelmed. Where does a women turn for assistance when her closest friends and family all seem to ask for support at once?
What defines a crisis? What is the stigma with recognizing we are feeling overwhelmed? What happens when stress hormones spike? What other factors in our personal, work and social lives effects our response to every day events? Are we strong enough to reach out?
It's all relative, and more importantly my cousin was welcomed into her local Women's Center where she was catered to. What a feeling of relief to be prioritized and thoughtfully cared for, especially for someone who often plays the role of the carer.
Ask for help. Tell a friend you need a break and reach out to get the relief you need for your own wellness.
Meet us at our next gathering, we are dedicated to fostering strong bonds between the women in our neighborhood. Let us know what other topics you want us to jump into! Let's get together... because it takes a village!
• Follow Patricia Gilman on Instagram!
• DM Chandra Bishun-Freeman on Instagram!
• For Nik Castronova, follow, volunteer & donate to Hudson River Community Sailing's Inwood after school programs for middle school students.
It doesn't cost much to hang out in the park, but we would like to cover the cost of our website, supplies, posters, etc... also, planning for our Holiday Party at The Morris Jummel-Mansion has begun. Any contribution is appreciated.
hello@ladieslemonade.com / New York, NY 10034
Copyright © 2024 Ladies Lemonade - An Upper Manhattan Gathering for women and those who identify as women organized by Nik Castronova, Patricia Gilman & Chandra Bishun-Freeman. If you still aren't sure what Ladies Lemonade is... you could call it a women's social club, ladies social or Women's Gathering. Ladies Lemonade is not a 501 c organization. We are simply women, meeting up in Manhattan.